Book Fair Program
The 2024 edition of the Brive Book Fair, from November 8 to 10, is presented in the same format as last year with one certainty: the program promises to be very rich and you will certainly not have time to get bored!
- Check out the complete guide to the 2024 Book Fair Read
A word from President François David
“We are creators of meetings, we sow seeds” indicates François David, the President of the event.
“It’s not a contingent of authors with whom we exchange before they leave and there is real work upstream in the classes.”
The Book Fair begins on Thursday for schools. Around a hundred authors will meet them on Thursdays and Fridays of the event.
Three meeting places in 2024
Three meeting places are offered this year:
- the Space of the Three Provinces (with its 2500 m²) will welcome comics and children's authors. Families will thus be well received. Entertainment is also planned.
- La Guierle will welcome authors of general literature.
- Several emblematic places in the city center : the Media Library which will host a major exhibition and meetings, the Ouvroir, the auditorium and also the Labenche Museum.
Full program of the Book Fair:
Program for Friday, November 8
At the Alain Gazeau Forum
- 14:30 p.m.: opening: the big interview with the President of the Book Fair Jérôme Garcin.
- 17:30 p.m.: Inauguration of the Book Fair (by invitation)
At the Claude Duneton Forum
- 15 p.m.: The painter’s workshop: Thomas Schlesser, Grégoire Bouillier, Camille de Peretti
- 16 p.m.: Other worlds: Carole Martinez, Corinne Royer, Alexis Jenni
- 17 p.m.: Present time: The rule of law in question. With Sébastien Pimont, Vincent Forray, Béatrice Brugère
- 18 p.m.: Literary rentrée: Isabelle Sorente, Marie Pavlenko, Jérôme Attal
Readers' Forum
- 14:30 p.m.: Turn the languages. With Monique Sarazy, Jean-Pierre Lacombe, Sandra Pasteur Sallafranque
- 15:30 p.m.: Monologue of the she-wolf with Gilles Leroy.
- 16:30 p.m.: Real literature with Victor Castanet and Philippe Pujol
- 17:30 p.m.: Family Heritage with Julien Bouissoux, Sandrine Roudeix and Thibault de Montaigu
- 18:30 p.m.: Le Point interviews: All about Stanley Kubrick with Jan Harlan
Jean D'ormesson Space - Theater
- 14:30 p.m.: On the Amazon River: with Jean-Christophe Rufin of the Académie Française
- 16 p.m.: The Game of 5 Doors with Fabrice Midal
- 20:30 p.m.: Musical Reading: Jacaranda with Gaël Faye, Samuel Kamanzi, Jérôme Garcin. Followed by a book signing session with Gaël Faye
Francis Poulenc Auditorium
- 14:30 p.m.: The invisible woman with Maïtena Biraben
- 15:30 p.m.: The gold of rivers with Françoise Chandernagor from the Académie Goncourt
- 17:30 p.m.: Theatrical reading: In the footsteps of Claude Michelet, peasant “writer”
Labenche Museum
- 15 p.m.: Origins with David Castello-Lopes
- 16 p.m.: Passionate readings with Sophie Rouvier, Laure Manel and Clarisse Sabard
- 17 p.m.: Here and elsewhere with Magyd Cherfi, Ismaël Khelifa and Jean-Marie Gourio
- 20:30 p.m. Rex cinema: Tribute to Marcel Pagnol. Screening of Jofroi by Marcel Pagnol and Eric Stoffel.
At the Workshop / Media Library
- 14 p.m.: Talents d'Ici: Everything you need to know about publishing with Régis Montels, Esther Merino and Stéphane Barry (Media Library)
- 15:30 p.m.: Poetic declamations by Brive schoolchildren with Matthias Vincenot (L'Ouvroir)
- 17 p.m.: Special conversation with Muriel Barbery (Media Library)
- 19 p.m.: Cours le Court: presentation of the trophies for the poetic short film on Paul Eluard (L'Ouvroir)
Jean-Paul Escande Space / House of the 3 Provinces
- 14:30 p.m.: Missak, Mélinée & the Manouchian group with Thomas Tcherkézian
- 16:30 p.m.: Large domain of comics on podcast with Lili Sohn
Agora of the 3 Provinces
- 10:30 a.m.: Photography in questions: how to decipher news images with David Groison
- 13:30 p.m.: Citizen debate: Should we control social networks more?
- 14:30 a.m.: Photography in questions: how to decipher news images with David Groison
- 16 p.m.: Bobigny 1972, My body, my choice: a historic trial with Marie Bardiaux-Vaïente
- 17 p.m.: Feature and style of the main guests with Rebecca Dautremer and Emmanuel Lepage
- 18:30 p.m.: Drawn battle with Laurent Audouin and Chris Naylor-Ballesteros
Program for Saturday November 9
Alain Gazeau Forum
- 10 a.m.: Le Point interviews: Literature pays! with Antoine Compagnon
- 11am: So it’s no! With Jérôme Garcin, Hervé Le Tellier, François David and Olivia Gesbert
- 12 p.m.: The making of the novel with Maylis de Kerangal, Sandrine Colette and Philippe Jaenada
- 14:30 p.m.: The voice of women with Laure Adler
- 15:30 p.m.: Houris with Kamel Daoud
- 16:30 p.m.: Le Point interviews: From story to drawing: an epic! With Rebecca Dautremer and Julien Martinière
- 17:30 p.m.: two actresses with an open book with Rachida Brakni, Marthe Keller and Jérôme Garcin
- 18:30 p.m.: So many stories with Olivier Norek, Olivier Guez and Joël Egloff
Claude Duneton Forum
- 10:30 a.m.: Place de la République: Aurélien Bellanger, Gilles Boyer, Michèle Cotta
- 11:30 a.m.: Present time. The rule of law, lessons from history with Johann Chapoutot
- 14 p.m.: Telling mythology today with Guillaume Diana and Michel Serfati
- 15 p.m.: Why do I write? with Alice Zeniter, Lionel Duroy and Abel Quentin
- 16 p.m.: Free women with Emma Becker and Delphine Minoui
- 17 p.m.: Novelists with Guillaume Perilhou and Michel Bonnefoy
- 18 p.m.: Present time: The winter of freedoms with François Sureau
Readers' Forum
- 10 a.m.: professional meetings. The second-hand revolution: what impact on creation and the book market?
- 12 p.m.: At the top of the pile with Johanna Krawczyk, Alexandre Lenot and Jérôme de Verdière
- 14:30 p.m.: The meaning of the earth with Xavier Patier and Gaspard Koeing
- 15:30 p.m.: In Praise of Nature with Jean-Michel Valade, Jean Mottet and Daniel Bergez
- 16:30 p.m.: The taste of words with Sonia Delzongle, Claire Favan, and the winner of the Quai des Orfèvres Prize
- 18:30 p.m.: The Great Escape with Julien Blanc-Gras, Daniel Fievet and Philibert Humm
Jean D'ormesson Space - theater
- 11 a.m.: France Inter. The Mask and the Pen: Literature with Rebecca Manzoni, Patricia Martin, Elisabeth Philippe, Jean-Marc Proust and Arnaud Viviant
- 14:30 p.m.: Under the masks, the feathers with Frédéric Beigbeder, Sophie Avon, Olivia de Lamberterie, Eric Neuhoff and Jérôme Garcin
- 16 p.m.: Le Point interviews. The governor’s challenge with François Hollande
- 17:30 p.m.: An almost perfect world with Laurent Gounelle
Francis Poulenc Auditorium
- 11 a.m.: Writers with Emmanuelle Lambert, Lorraine Fouchet, Christophe Bigot
- 12 p.m.: Neuromania with Albert Moukheiber
- 14 p.m.: History with Laurent Laviolette, Mireille Calmel, Camille Pascal
- 15 p.m.: On the Heart with Philippe Torreton, Philippe Besson and Baptiste Beaulieu
- 16 p.m.: Elsewhere at home with Douglas Kennedy
- 17 p.m.: A philosophy of life with Frédéric Lenoir and Etienne Kern
- 18 p.m.: Crime novels with Franck Thilliez, Michel Bussi, Sonia Foumet-Pérot
Brive Athletic Club
- 14:30 p.m.: Surpassing yourself with Mathieu Bosredon and Matthieu Lartot
Labenche Museum
- 10:30 a.m.: The Bastion of Tears with Abdellah Taïa, winner of the French Language Prize
- 11:30 a.m.: Geopolitics with Emilie Aubry and Marine Jacquemin
- 14 p.m.: War and resistance with Fabrice Grenard and Laurent Wirth
- 15 p.m.: telling the story with Valérie Paturaud, Amélie Bourbon Parme and Dominique Maisons
- 16 p.m.: The Book of Wonders with Eric Giacometti
- 17 p.m.: Crime fiction and thrillers with Henri Loevenbruck, Olivier Bal and Sébastien Vidal
- 18 p.m.: Le Point interviews. Towards war? with Sébastien Lecornu.
Media library / Rex Cinema
- 10am: Local talents. Historical facts highlighted by the story with Jean Darot and Michel Serfati
- 11:30 a.m.: Special conversation with Emily Blaine
- 14 p.m.: Local talents. Family stories with Adrien Crespin and Bertrand de Lacombe
- 15 p.m.: special conversation with Paule-Marie Duquesnoy
- 10 a.m.: Poem of my life with Guillaume Sire
- 10:30 a.m.: Poetry recital with Matthias Vincenot and Eric Guilleton
- 11:30: Poem of my life
- 14:30 p.m.: Poem of my life. Presentation of the grand poetry prize of the Mallarmé Academy. Meeting with Alain Breton
- 16:30 p.m.: Is poetry a commitment? Round table with Alain Breton
- 17:30 p.m.: show. Readings from Le Bleu des fonds by Joyce Mansour with Catherine Belkhodja, Philippe Bouret and Florent Seror
- 19 p.m.: Opening of the exhibition of faces and hands with Hannah Assouline
Jean-Paul Escande Space
- 10:30 a.m.: From literature to comics with Emmanuel Lepage, Virginie Ollagnier and Sylvain Bordesoules
- 14 p.m.: Futuropolis, 50 years of editorial adventures! With Emmanuel Lepage, Edmond Baudoin and Sébastien Gnaedig
- 18 p.m.: film concert. See Comanche again with Romain Renard and his musician
Agora of the 3 Provinces
- 10 a.m.: From writing to the stage with Rebecca Dautremer and Guillaume Nail
- 11:30 a.m.: storytelling session. Zohra, when my word is worth yours with Ludovic Souliman
- 14 p.m.: In search of imagination with Jérôme Leroy
- 15 p.m.: Presentation of the "Have you read it?" prize from Crédit Agricole. Followed by a meeting and signing with the two winners Amélie Antoine and Elise Fontenaille
- 18 p.m.: Staged reading. A collection of memories with Thomas Scotto
Program for Sunday November 10
Alain Gazeau Forum
- 10 a.m.: At the edge of the world with Claudie Gallay, Yves Harté, Laurent Delmontl
- 11 a.m.: These characters in me: Véronique Olmi, Cécile Coulon, Guillaume Sire
- 12:XNUMX p.m.: Present time. The Constitutional Council and the rule of law with Jean-Louis Debré
- 14 p.m.: Future challenges with Jacques Attali
- 15 p.m.: A literary conversation with Dany Laferrière and Sophie Fontanel
- 16 p.m.: with Le Point. the awards season with the winners of the literary rentrée awards
Claude Duneton Forum
- 10:30 a.m.: Comics morning. Comics and duty of remembrance: resisting in 1944 with Bruno Marivain, Pascal Bresson and Ivan Gros
- 11:30 a.m.: Comic strip morning. Natural stories with Emmanuel Lepage and Guillaume Lecointre
- 14:30 p.m.: Reading, writing with Bérénice Pichat, Hemley Boum and Genviève Brisac
- 15:30 p.m.: Present time. A Gaullist conception of the rule of law with Arnaud Teyssier
- 16:30 p.m.: My Moirai with Jean-Pierre Dionnet
Readers' Forum
- 10 a.m.: Famous: Maud Ventura
- 11 a.m.: New novels with Gwenaëlle Robert, Manon Jouniaux and Franck Pavloff
- 12 p.m.: Almond Heart with Yasmina Khadra
- 14 p.m.: Brive City Readers’ Prize: Marion Brunet
- 15 p.m.: The waltz of souls: Bernard Werber
- 16 p.m.: Literature, a killer! with Hervé Mons, Claire Destriau and Franck Linol
Jean d'Ormesson Space / Theater
- 11 a.m.: Journey to infinity with Christophe Galfard followed by a signing session
- 18 p.m.: show “50 years of political ecstasy” with Jacques Mailhot
Francis Poulenc Auditorium
- 10:30 a.m.: Telling the truth: Isild Le Besco
- 11:30 a.m.: East: Marwan Chahine, Maryse Burgot, Dorothée Ollieric.
- 14:30 p.m.: Up close and personal with Mazarine Pingeot, Fabienne Perineau, Virginia Tangvald
- 15:30 p.m.: Dark years: Jean-Noël Orengo and Romain Slocombe
- 16:30 p.m.: Bitter World with Franck Bouysse
Labenche Museum
- 10 a.m.: Dictation. Tribute to Bernard Pivot.
- 10:30 a.m.: Hall of Honor of the City Hall, "Jean Charbonnel: itinerary of a Gaullist" with Bernard Lachaise
- 14 p.m.: Courthouse: Gilbert Thiel and Patricia Tourancheau
- 15:XNUMX p.m.: Tea for Ghosts with Chris Vuklisevic
- 10am: local talents. from self-publishing to traditional publishing. Tiphs and her editor Marion Barri
- 11 a.m.: Special conversation. Ludivine Labbé
Cinema Rex
- 14 p.m.: Barry Lundon. Screening of Stanley Kubrick's film
- 17:15 p.m.: Master Class. All about Barry Lyndon. With Jan Harlan, François Betz. Followed by a book signing by Jan Harlan
- 10 a.m.: recital and interview. Jean-Pierre Siméon, Anne-Marie Prévot, Robert Birou.
- 11 a.m.: Poem of my life. Poetic complicity with Jean-Pierre Siméon
- 11:45 a.m.: Poem of my life with Jérôme Attal and Jean-Guy Soumy
- 14 p.m.: Young people love poetry. Readings by high school students
- 15 p.m.: Poetry and reality: Jean-Pierre Siméon and Alain Breton
- 16 p.m.: theater and poetry
Jean-Paul Escande Space
- 10:30 a.m.: Mangaka, instructions for use. Yoann Vomière
- 14:30 p.m.: storytelling show with Pierre Bertrand
Agora of the 3 Provinces
- 10:30: Can you write “too much”? Susie Morgenstern
- 14 p.m.: You are here! Marie Lescroart
House of the 3 Provinces
- 11 a.m., 14:30 p.m. and 15:30 p.m.: Shadow theater with the Ankréation company
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