The CABCL women’s team
Women's rugby has a history that dates back to the end of the 1989th century, with the first matches in England and New Zealand. In France, the French Rugby Federation officially recognized women's rugby in 1991. The first Women's World Cup, organized in 2012, marked a decisive turning point for rugbywomen. It is well known that in Brive, the passion for the oval ball is well established, the women's section was created in XNUMX, to the great delight of our Gaillardes. And what a team they are!
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Origins of the CABCL women’s section
The CABCL Women's Section was created in 2012 at the initiative of local players.
Since 2014 they have been champions of Limousin, champions of the South-West sector and also champions of France.
They played in Federal 2 for 6 seasons and reached Federal 1 in 2018.
French Federal 1 Champions in 2023
On June 10, 2023, our women's team won the title of French Federal 1 champions by winning 18 to 6 against Tarbes, under the coaching of Philippe Gilibert, Serge Nirelli and Romain Cabanero. The reserve team won the Terroir shield. A year full of successes for our Gaillardes!
The 2024/2025 Season
For two seasons, the CABCL women's team has been playing in Elite 2, the second highest level of French women's rugby. This division includes a single pool of 10 clubs, with a qualifying phase in two-way rounds totaling 20 days. The team is supervised by Romain Cabanero, manager of the women's division and forwards coach, Fabrice Pêcher for the three-quarters, Sébastien Faurel as a speaker for the kicking game, and Caroline Marques, physical trainer.
With a squad of 70 players, the club also fields a reserve team in XV in Fédérale 2, which is made up of three groups of 8 teams each. This team is led by Fabrice Daubec for the forwards and Patrick Vedrenne for the three-quarters.
We wish our gallant girls a good season and lots of great victories!
Calendar of our Gaillardes in Elite 2!:
- 23/11 : CABCL / AS Bayonnaise
- 14/12 : CABCL / US Dax Rugby
- 16/02 : CABCL / USAP
- 23/03 : CABCL / Valkyries Normandy
- 20/04 : CABCL / Stade Français Paris
- 11/05 : CABCL / Rugby Clermont La Plaine
Federal Calendar 2:
- 08/12 : CABCL / Blackhawk Floirac
- 15/12 : CABCL / RC Gradignan
- 19/01 : CABCL / Stade Poitevin Rugby
- 09/02 : CABCL / RAS Périgord CA Perigourdin
- 02/03 : CABCL / Ras USAL Rsa Limoges
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