Posted on September 23, 2022 by Marie-Laure
Les Trois Cafés Gourmands have achieved the feat of co-signing a song with a monument of French song: Jean-Jacques Goldman. This title is When, the latest single from the emblematic Corrèze group which debuted on the stage of Brive Festival. This title was revealed on September 23 and will be part of the next album entitled “La Promesse” which will be released on November 25, 2022.
Les Trois Cafés Gourmands have managed to bring the most popular French singer out of retirement and they can be proud of it. But can we hope for a return of Jean-Jacques Goldman on stage?…. Unfortunately, no, it would only be a “one shot”.
The performers of Trois Cafés Gourmands have in fact never met Jean-Jacques Goldman. The latter appreciated the universe of the group and the fact that they came from the stage and were carried by the public. The performers, having learned of this, decided to contact the star. Numerous emails were exchanged over more than 2 years and a friendship was born.
It begins with exchanges by e-mail, and a friendship which begins and which leads to collaborative work
says Sébastien Gourseyrol on BFMTV.
A project to co-write a title was mentioned. Jean-Jacques Goldman composed the music and the lyrics were written by 8 hands.
“He sent us two demos. We instantly fell in love with When?
The group even had the luxury of refusing the second one, without disrespect, just because it didn't necessarily suit them. Jean-Jacques Goldman continues to provide them with advice and the idea of a new collaboration has not been ruled out. But to the question: is Jen-Jacques Goldman coming back to the forefront, the answer from the trio on M radio is as follows:
"He is retired. Even if we do not rule out working together again. He advised us to remain ourselves! To listen to the silence of those who say nothing."
During a interview on France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the group mentioned the message they wanted to convey with this single: the goal is to raise awareness on subjects which, unfortunately, already existed a very long time ago, such as the subjects of war and peace, of tolerance people, weddings. Contrary to what one might think, the song was not written with the conflict in Ukraine in mind, which only started after the song was written. However, this makes sense when listening to the song.
Another topic addressed in the song is ecology. "We are all sensitive, more or less to different degrees, different levels, on these subjects. We just wanted to tell our audience, we too, think about it, we try to do things. As an artist, what "What can we do? We can try to talk about it and make people feel it. In song in fact."
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