Bistro Regent
From €15.90 - Adult menu
Facilitating stays for everyone
At Brive Tourisme, we are inclusive and we leave no one behind... We are aware of the additional difficulties that poorly adapted infrastructure can add to the daily lives of people living with a disability.
French laws now require sites or establishments open to the public to comply with standardized arrangements. But we know that sometimes, due to the lack of resources or space, what seems to be done on paper is less so in reality...
The tourist office is located on Place du 14July in Brive next to the Municipal theater, a 5-minute walk from the city center. 3 PRM places Parking is available at Place du 14July. Of the PRM toilets under the Halle Brassens, Place du 14July.
Brive Tourisme has listed a number of visit and activity sites accessible to PRMs. These places do not necessarily benefit from recognized labels and it is through knowledge of our offer that this document has been established. Do not hesitate to give us your personal feedback so that we can update the information.
This plan offers you a tour of our city center with all the necessary information to make your travels easier.
This document allows you to visit the 11 main sites of Brive-La-Gaillarde at your own pace. It includes 26 pages in total and you can download it below.
The Tourist Office is also able to offer guided tours of Brive-La-Gaillarde and Turenne for people with mental disabilities.
Also discover the recognized establishments benefiting from the “Tourism and Handicap” label which guarantees the quality of the installations even if this enormously reduces the number of offers.
Do not hesitate to give us feedback if you notice real difficulties in certain establishments. We will try to help them take better account of the induced constraints or we will remove them from this list.
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