Ideas for trips with teenagers

It's sometimes difficult to go on vacation with teenagers and find how to keep them busy. But impossible is not Brivist! And at Brive Tourisme, we have unearthed some ideas for activities so that your stay does not turn into sulking time and that your children leave Brive feeling refreshed.

The reopening of the Jardins de Colette is approaching

Appointment on Saturday April 5 from 10 a.m. for a new season full of poetry and discoveries! Visit our website to discover our entertainment program which begins with Easter.

Discover Colette’s Gardens

Photo of a giant insect sculpture at the Jardins de Colette
©Pauline Caplier

Outdoor activities to do with teenagers

To get your children off screens, what's better than an outdoor activity and without a telephone network (we're kidding of course, our network works very well!)?

To start, we recommend a little trip on a bike to discover the many trails that crisscross the Brive region.

If your teenagers are tired of pedaling, offer them a session of archery or orienteering, activities that will require rigor and concentration. In the same genre, you can embark on one of the many geocaching courses Terra Aventura, 2.0 treasure hunts that will certainly please your teenagers.

The more daring can also try their hand attree climbing and climbing to gain more height over the sumptuous landscapes that surround them.

As for water activities, there are the great classics such as the canoeing and kayaking, paddle boarding without forgetting, of course, swimming, of which here is one list of sites not to miss.  

Three girls run on a path in the woods

Indoor Activities to Do with Teenagers

The good weather is not there? No problem ! Indoor activities to do in Brive are numerous.

You can, for example, confront your offspring and show them that you are not so "old-fashionned" during a laser game session or get the whole family's brains working with an escape game.

Do not hesitate to have a look at our ideas for Annual. Some will inevitably find favor in the eyes of your children, don't despair!

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