The Dolmens St Cernin de Larche


The Dolmens St Cernin de Larche 19600 SAINT-CERNIN-DE-LARCHE

See number



Dolmen de la Palein: It is located on the CAUSSE de St CERNIN at 276m altitude. It is a funerary monument from the Early Middle Neolithic (-3100 / -2500). It was under an oval-shaped mound measuring 28m by 15,50m. It is formed by limestone slabs 0,20m to 0,40m thick, three of which placed vertically, constitute the solid supports of its table, which has the following dimensions: length: 2,85m, width: 2,43, 0,40m, thickness: XNUMXm.

Excavated in 1865, the already emptied dolmen contained only a few bone fragments and crude pottery.

The Dolmens St Cernin de Larche 19600 SAINT-CERNIN-DE-LARCHE

See number
