The Golden du Limousin is the only apple in France under AOP, no surprise in the end... It's a 100% lively apple!

The apple and Jacques Chirac

Eat apples! said Jacques Chirac during his presidential campaign in 1995. Does he owe his victory to this round fruit and especially to the Guignols of the news who made this phrase the candidate's humorous slogan? This question persists despite the years. In any case, Jacques Chirac was referring to the tasty Limousin apples!

The history of the Golden

And yes, we do not only consume duck or goose, we are lucky to find several fruit productions in our region including apples which have a solid anchor in our territory.
Indeed, its presence in Limousin dates back to antiquity when the Romans inserted plans for apples from the Middle East for the first time. The latter have not been too upset by climate change… On the contrary!
As proof, the plans prospered more and more, leading, in the 50s, to the appearance of the first Goldens.

View of Golden AOP apples

The characteristics of the Limousin apple

Located at altitude (300 to 500 m), apples flourish in well-drained soils conducive to their development. They are present in the departments of Corrèze, Creuse, Dordogne and Haute-Vienne.

The specificities of our lands give an apple that is crunchy, juicy and subtly balanced between sugar and acidity. Its taste qualities have been recognized by the palates of numerous consumers and associations, to such an extent that our beloved Limousin Golden apple was awarded certification in 2005. AOP (Protected designation of origin). This name propels it directly into a European dimension.

The Limousin Golden apple is the joy of 4 departments, 100 municipalities, cooperatives (for example Meylim, Lindor, Perlim or Pom'Padour) and 280 apple growers. Without forgetting the consumers who enjoy our delicious apples every day.

How to eat Limousin apples?

Attention gourmets! The Limousin apple is as good raw as cooked, which offers us a multitude of possibilities for consuming it. You can prepare a good duck breast with roasted apples and then why not a traditional apple pie for dessert.

To taste our Limousin AOC apple, go to the greengrocers, markets and cooperatives (Perlim, Meylim, Pom'padour and Limdor)...

Events around the Golden

We are so passionate about this fruit that there are several events around this product in our region:

  • participate in the Apple Festival in Brive or Objat.
  • walk the Limousin apple hike (organized by Cyclo Tourisme Objatois).