Gourmet friends gathered to celebrate eating well!

In the rugged lands, you won't find anyone who will tell you that they don't like gastronomy! However, some are more passionate than others, this is the case of the brotherhoods present in Corrèze.

First of all, did you know what a brotherhood is? Initially, the brotherhoods had a religious aspect. They were there to help each other and perpetuate a tradition. From the French Revolution, the religious aspect disappeared, giving way to the brotherhoods of taste and gastronomy. The objective does not change, it is always a question of perpetuating a tradition and therefore of protecting its terroir.

This is the case of the Brotherhood of Peach Tasters of Voutezac for example, who claim to cultivate the best peaches in the world. It was created in 2003 with the induction of 8 members. In 2012, there were 38 of them promoting their precious fruits, in particular by hosting the Voutezac peach festival.

This story is not anecdotal since there is also the Brotherhood of the Milk-fed Calf Raised under the Mother of the Country ofObjat, the Brotherhood of Black Pudding but also the Mycogastronomic Brotherhood which has fallen in love with mushrooms and scams.