O Little cheerful cats
From €10.50 - Adult menu
Discover the best Brive addresses where you can meet every Sunday for a gourmet brunch.
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. It's too late to eat breakfast and still too early to sit down to eat roast chicken and potatoes. The solution ? Brunch: a weekend essential and the star of your Instagram photos.
A nice contraction of the words “breakfast” and “lunch”, brunch is an meals to be taken between late morning and early afternoon. It allows you not to “regret” what you should have had for breakfast and to fully enjoy lunch.
The secret is in variety. A brunch should include diverse dishes : meats, fish, breads, pastries in general, salads and desserts. Some establishments opt for a generous brunch where customers can help themselves as much as they want. Others offer a more structured formula, with a brunch composed of a more abundant variety of dishes than usual.
Let yourself be guided with our selection of Brive restaurants offering brunch options.
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