Bed and breakfast with swimming pool

Enjoy the warm and personalized welcome of the guest rooms while benefiting from a private swimming pool. Heated or not, this swimming pool will be welcome for a moment of relaxation, after the numerous visits made to our beautiful region.

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16 results

Lissac Castle_1

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Bed and Breakfast Château de Lissac


From €160.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

The outbuildings of the Château_1

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The castle outbuildings


From €85.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

Bed and breakfast-Beauséjour-©MalikaTurin-0945-WEB

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Beauséjour Bed and Breakfast


From €80.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

At the Relais de Laborde_1

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At the Relais de Laborde


From €95.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

The Pink Villa_1

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The Pink Villa


From €80.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

Stopover in Corrèze_1

Stopover in Corrèze


From €88.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

The Key of Maumont_1

The Key of Maumont


From €75.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

Domaine du Breuil_1

Domain of Breuil


From €85.00 - 2 people (guest rooms)

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