Are you preparing for the first big sporting event of the season? Pay attention to your preparation!
To avoid injury, adapt your choice of route to your current condition…
Warming up on hikes
To tackle substantial routes, you can go on other organized hikes at the very beginning of the season to get your body back in shape. And above all, before you start, remember to warm up properly:
→ The warm-up must be gradual to move from rest to effort…
→ Remember that the more intense the effort, the more important the warm-up should be. This will prevent you from being out of breath or having a stitch in your side after a few minutes of running.
→ Adapt the warm-up according to the weather. If it is cold or windy, the warm-up must be longer because heat loss is greater so the body takes longer to "warm up".
→With age, warm-up must be particularly careful to avoid injury. Indeed, tendons become less elastic over time, and muscles are also less resistant with age.
→We must not believe that the more we are trained, the less we need to warm up. On the contrary, it takes more time to mobilize all your muscles.
→It is not recommended to do passive stretches before exercise because they reduce the blood supply to the muscles (the "cut legs" effect). They should be reserved for the end of the session to recover.
→There is no standard warm-up, it must be adapted to the session you plan to do, to your current fitness. It is up to each person to personalize it. It generally consists of two phases: an initial mobilization phase where the body is awakened (typically a slow jog), followed by a tension phase where the exercises are gradually intensified.
→ For hiking, the warm-up is also reduced because the intensity of the effort will remain low throughout the session. You can simply start by walking slowly for 5 minutes and gradually accelerate to cruising speed.
Advice given by Nicolas Cherpeau (
We also suggest you test our mustache course -10 km circuit to best prepare you for this event.
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