Of the 155 category 1 ZNIEFFs listed in Corrèze, 33 are located in the Brive area. The Causse Corrézien is widely represented: 16 ZNIEFF are in fact located in the municipalities of the Causse Corrézien.

What is a ZNIEFF?

The inventory of Natural Areas of Ecological, Fauna and Flora Interest (ZNIEFF) was launched in 1982 by the Ministry of the Environment. Its objective was to cover the most ecologically interesting areas, mainly with a view to improving knowledge of the national natural heritage and providing various decision-makers with a tool to help them take the environment into account. in land use planning.

The ZNIEFF in the Brive area:

Several ZNIEFF are listed in the Brive Basin (limestone hillside of Puy Lenty, limestone meadows of Saint-Robert and Ayen, Gravières de Larche, Vallée de Planchetorte, etc.) due toexceptional unique botanical ensembles in Limousin with in particular limestone lawns and wastelands, calcicole woods with downy oaks and also sometimes holm oaks.

Many species from the regional list of protected plants exist in these environments such as the Montpellier capillary or the Martagon lily or the Pyramidal orchis.

Some determining species:

  • Ophrys bee
  • Brown Ophrys
  • Ophrys woodcock
  • Swamp Plantain
  • Broom heather
  • Montpellier maple…

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Enjoy privileged nature

The best way to enjoy and explore in complete peace and quiet the natural environments that punctuate Corrèze and in particular the territory of Brive, is hiking.

Take the time to discover the local flora, listen to the birds or look for traces of the different animal species that find refuge in these preserved spaces.

Find our different hiking trails  or take the hiking guidebook on sale at theTourist Office.