The Brive metropolitan area has a fleet of 90 electric bikes available for rental at 19 points of sale (15 in Brive and 4 in neighboring towns). This is a great opportunity offered to locals and passing tourists, without their car, to favor sustainable mobility in addition or not to public transport. 

Who says self-service bike, says bike available 24/24. These bikes manufactured in Vendée have a range of 7 km (depending on use). Battery charging, maintenance and assistance are provided by a local service provider.

Where are the bike stations found?

In Brive-La-Gaillarde, 15 stations are spread throughout the city as well as in the neighboring towns of: Ussac, Malemort, Cosnac and Saint-Pantaléon-de-Larche.


photo of velibeo, self-service bicycles in Brive la Gaillarde and its surrounding area

The stations : 

  • Léo-Lagrange on the avenue at the intersection with rue Duchet
  • Chapels on Nelson-Mandela Square
  • Three Provinces in front of the entrance to Space
  • Swimming pool on Boulevard Voltaire
  • SNCF station on the square
  • Guierle bus station side
  • Halle Gaillarde on the square
  • Brive Laroche at the park and ride
  • Hospital at the entrance to Boulevard Verlhac
  • D'Arsonval in front of the high school
  • Three high schools in the parking lot
  • Ile du Roi in the parking lot before the Bouvie bridge
  • Rivet rue Abrizio
  • Tujac towards the socio-cultural center
  • University at the entrance to rue Jules-Vallès
  • Cosnac to the shops
  • Malemort in front the town hall
  • Saint-Pantaléon de Larche in front of the village hall
  • Ussac to the shopping center parking lot

How to rent bikes?

  1. Download the application Vélibéo.
  2. Create an account with username and password
  3. Choose your operation (occasional or by subscription)
  4. Activate your credit card.
  5. Be close to the station and the desired bike or bikes because you can rent several at the same time.
  6. Log in to the application,
  7. Then access the station map
  8. Choose the one that interests you or press rent.



  • Please note that during your rental, you can make a quick stop by securing the bike on street furniture by inserting its chain into its lock (to unlock it, insert the unlocking code transmitted during rental).
  • You must return the bike to one of the Vélibéo terminals. If all the spaces are occupied, you can attach the bike to the one already present, like a large shopping cart.

Discover the Greenway 

The greenway which crosses Brive, on the edge of Corrèze, offers you a 17 km route. This greenway will soon be connected to the sections which run along the Vézère towards the Saillant:

  • a 4 km protected circuit between the Saillant Dam and Allassac
  • a 3 km circuit between Lasteyrie and Le Saillant. 


Cycling along the Brive greenway

Practical information


  • without subscription: 1 euro for 30 minutes then 0,05 euro per minute
  • with a monthly subscription: 10 euros per subscription, 30 free minutes then 0,05 euros per minute
  • with an annual subscription: 60 euros per subscription, 30 free minutes then 0,05 euros per minute
  • if you are already a Libéo subscriber, you can access reduced monthly (5 euros) and annual (40 euros) subscriptions
  • A deposit of 170 euros not withdrawn.

To report a problem :

You can call the technical support at It is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 19:30 p.m., Saturday and public holidays from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m.