Perigord walnuts
You certainly know the Périgord walnut, but not all its secrets?
Contrary to what one might think, the Périgord walnut is not found exclusively in Périgord! The AOP Noix de Périgord extends somewhat into the rough areas. Indeed, certain varieties have decided to flourish better here… who knows why! This is the case for the Corne, the Grandjean, the Franquette or the Marbot.
The Périgord walnut: cheerful and responsible production!
- Walnut's carbon footprint is among the lowest of protein foods available
- Break the nut, yes but the Périgord nut. It is local, offers different varieties and has an impact on our economic activity
- Walnut oil is still produced with passion in mills, in an artisanal manner using ancestral know-how (as in The Told Life). Used in salads or just on a slice of bread, it will delight your taste buds!
The history of Périgord walnut cultivation
Ancestral natural presence and historical exploitation: walnuts in Périgord already fed the men of Cro Magnon! This nut has, in fact, been present in the region for 17 years…
In the XNUMXth century, walnut oil was considered as valuable a commodity as gold. It is also thanks to this oil that the region was able to make its fortune. It was used at the time in painting but also to light cathedrals or other prestigious buildings. Little by little, walnut oil has acquired its reputation in the kitchen.
From the 1830th century, the walnut trade exploded throughout the south-west of France but this golden era was stopped by the arrival of the cold weather in XNUMX. This drop in temperature led to a marked reduction in production. At the same time, new oils are appearing in France and overshadowing walnuts...
Some tips for consuming Périgord walnuts
You can eat them both fresh and dried. Be careful, fresh nuts only last a few days in the refrigerator. You can dry them by putting them in the sun for several days in a row. Remember to tuck them in when humidity is felt.
Fifty Shades of... Nuts
Our region also offers several variations around walnuts.
It can be consumed at each stage of your meal:
- As an aperitif with the famous Quinquinoix de la Denoix distillery, alcohol made from wine and green walnut juice.
- As a starter and main course to accompany your preparations and salads. A crunchy note is always pleasant on the palate.
- In case of a little hunger with our “darling” caramelized nuts
- And finally for dessert you have several possibilities: a frozen walnut soufflé or simply a delicious nut cake .
This nut contributes to the growth of our local economy, particularly with companies specializing in the processing and marketing of dried nuts. They produce dried fruits, coulis, purees, pralines and other complementary products.
Our tip And the walnut oil gushes out at the Moulin de la Vie Contée
Between Turenne and Collonges-la-Rouge, a century-old mill looked after by Anne and Cyrille presses walnuts as if it were still twenty years old. Their favorites are called Marbot, Franquette or Fernor. They press them so hard and so passionately that a stream of gold springs from beneath their millstone. Do you smell the sweet scent of the oil that has just been born? Quickly, you taste it!
Mill of the Tale of Life
06 23 02 60 49
Open all year
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