Japanese Beers
A brewer who knows how to brew, must know how to brew without his arms?? Be careful, I'm afraid that excessive beer consumption has a detrimental effect on inspiration! But the verse doesn't matter, as long as we have the addresses...
Our craft beers
Our territory has also succumbed to the “craft beer” trend for our greatest pleasure.
Recently, several local breweries have emerged.
This is particularly the case Causse Brewery (Saint-Cernin de Larche), of the Gaillarde Brewery (Brive), from the Brewery La Banou (Brive), Time for a Brew (Object) and finally Canhopée Brewery which was created in January 2023 in Voutezac. It is possible for you to visit each of the breweries and above all to taste their beverage which all have their specificities:
- The Causse brewery: 06 07 88 66 88 – Laroche – 19600 Saint-Cernin de Larche
- La Brasserie Gaillarde: – 5, rue Robert Margerit – 19100 Brive-La-Gaillarde
- Brasserie La Banou: 05 55 25 43 25 – 37 Avenue Maréchal Foch – 19100 Brive-la-Gaillarde
- Le Temps d’un Brassin: 06 69 36 34 49 – 7 rue de l’Ancien Temple – 19130 Objat
- The Canhopée brewery: 06 74 92 94 98 - 389 rue des Pigeonniers - 19130 Voutezac
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